Umsizi is a pioneering Agent of Change in bringing ethical socio-economic change
based on addressing critical societal issues such as gender-based violence (GBV),
substance abuse, leadership capacity, and broken relationships. We are committed to
driving social renewal programmes that address the detrimental impact that these
social ills have on crippling individuals and communities from achieving well-being. Our
unwavering dedication to transformative regeneration in communities is based on
development solutions that empower leaders (local government, traditional, community
based, and faith-based) with knowledge and solutions to bring behavioural and
sustainable change to these pressing challenges in their communities.
GBV Programme: Our GBV programme focuses on providing knowledge, raising
awareness, providing safe spaces, planning interventions, promoting behaviour
change, building collaborative partnerships, and empowering leaders in
communities to combat gender-based violence. Leveraging existing structures
where possible, such as the faith-based leaders, who have a God-given mandate to
combat the social disease of GBV, through advocacy in communities, healing
interventions and counselling of survivors and perpetrators. Leaders work with the
mandated structures of government to provide credible referral and linkage
pathways in vulnerable communities (e.g. department of health, social welfare, police
and NGO facilities).
RECOVERY Programme: The Umsizi RECOVERY programme addresses addiction to
substances and social abuses in vulnerable communities through educational
workshops, support groups, and referral structures for community leaders, carers and
users. These invaluable resources equip community leaders and small organisations
(like churches and NGOs) with the necessary tools and support to help their
community members overcome addiction and maintain a sober lifestyle. Our aim is
to bring change in communities through addressing substance abuse, reducing
stigma, and establishing sustainable recovery support networks.
Sustainable Relationship Building Programme: Umsizi’s Sustainable Relationship
Building (SRB) programme enables transformation in building sustainable
relationships between leaders by engaging them to reduce conflicting interests
through reforming their value systems, thinking patterns, behaviours, and to take
servant-based action to establish common ground for fostering a new legacy of
peace and prosperity for their communities. It promotes dialogue, critical reflection,
and collaborative decision-making and vision-building towards moving
communities from dependency to social and economic development.