Who is Umsizi?

Umsizi Sustainable Social Solutions (Umsizi) specialises in designing customised solutions and implementing effective programmes to promote sustainable socio-economic development. Our mission is to enable organisations, individuals, and communities to achieve broad-based development through measurable social and economic solutions.

Working closely with partners, stakeholders, and communities, particularly in the corporate, mining, and industrial sectors, we offer a diverse range of services which enable clients to meet legislative and compliance requirements. These include Social and Labour Plans (SLPs), Socio-Economic Development (SED) programmes, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), and the social imperatives of Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG), and sustainability reporting.

Through an approach of multifaceted collaboration, Umsizi has developed an extensive portfolio of socio-economic development implementation solutions which have empowered tens of thousands of households in communities across South Africa, providing scalable and diverse Local Economic Development (LED) opportunities that activate sustainable development activities. Umsizi’s expertise extends to providing strategic advice and planning, enabling our corporate clients to seamlessly integrate the social and community imperative into their business strategies and achieve social compliance.

We take immense pride in being a level 1 BBBEE contributor, reflecting our unwavering commitment to promoting economic empowerment and advancing social transformation.


Here’s how we can help your company with sustainable social solutions:

Consulting Services

We assist corporates with compliance (B-BBEE, Mining Charter, CSI and all other legislation) and reporting requirements. We will work with you to design and implement developmental programmes, Social and Labour Plans, RAP’s, livelihoods restoration programmes, SEIA, employee and community baseline assessments, and much more.Learn More »

Corporate Social Investment

We provide corporates with real, proven and sustainable local economic development projects which uplift and improve the quality of life of disadvantaged communities, and assist our clients to meet and exceed CSI and B-BBEE requirements.Learn More »

Sustainable Local Economic Development

We design and implement community development projects, focused on broad-based livelihoods, income creation and poverty eradication. Our projects have enjoyed widespread success.Learn More »

Broad-Based Enterprise Development

We specialise in establishing community-based enterprises which are able to enter local supply chains  to provide socio-economic empowerment. We develop entrepreneurs in agriculture, light industries and manufacturing.Learn More »

“Umsizi has undertaken livelihoods programmes which have empowered thousands of households and communities across South Africa.”

Umsizi is a proud level 1 BBBEE contributor

The Umsizi team is delighted to announce that our company has achieved official certification as a BBBEE Level 1 contributor. This significant accomplishment serves as a testament to Umsizi’s unwavering dedication to transformation, and our active role in fostering an all-encompassing and sustainable economy.

The elevation of our BBBEE status from Level 2 is a reflection of the diligence and commitment exhibited by our team, and we take great pride in being acknowledged as a prominent BBBEE contributor within our industry. Moving forward, we look forward to continuing our pursuit of fostering positive and long-lasting change, and delivering significant and meaningful impact in the communities we serve.


See our sustainable solutions at work.

Empowering Moosrivier and Beyond: An Introduction to Schoeman’s BBL Programme

Schoeman is implementing a Broad-Based Livelihoods programme that has had tremendous Socio-Economic Development impact across Mpumalanga, and is poised to expand into the rest of the South Africa.

Opportunities for income creation: Harmony’s Broad-Based Livelihoods programme

In her own words, hear the testimony of Ms. Nziweni, a participant in Harmony’s Broad-Based Livelihoods programme, designed and implemented by Umsizi and SocioTech. The programme’s success has already attracted attention and funding from the Premier of the Matabeng region.

Khai-Ma Communities Rising Up: The Vedanta BBL

Khai-Ma communities have worked with Vedanta and Umsizi-STI in unprecedented ways to see renewed hope and vision for the future of the residents of this unique and starkly beautiful region in the Northern Cape of South Africa.

Generating Livelihoods and Income Streams in Rural Tsolo: Harmony’s BBL Programme

Residents in beautiful Tsolo in the O.R. Tambo district of the Eastern Cape are building the second economy and improving their own livelihoods via Harmony Gold’s BBL programme. The programme as been designed and implemented by Umsizi and SocioTech and has had an enthusiastic uptake in the communities. The future is bright in Tsolo.

We have a proven track record of successful programmes and projects throughout Southern Africa. We have successfully worked in rural contexts, urban environments, traditional settings and remote communities. We are industry leaders in community and stakeholder engagement, and in the building of sustainable relationships between community residents, corporates and government.

Our Current and Past Clients

Umsizi client logos

Umsizi is ready to help your mining company to meaningfully fulfil its project design and reporting requirements.

Let's Get Started on Your Sustainable Social Solution Today

Whether you need help with B-BBEE compliance, Local Economic Development Programmes, or Corporate Social Investment Initiatives, or for any other Socio-Economic Development considerations, we are ready to assist you with a tailor-made solution.

SED Solutions

Umsizi implements socio-economic development programmes which are:

  • Building broad-based solutions, at scale and with measurable impact: We look to deepen and widen the impact of what would otherwise have been a narrow-based impact. We encourage many new entrants into the economy rather than benefitting a few established businesses who already have access to other forms of assistance.
  • Creating sustainable development from the Grassroots Up: We look beyond the norm, beyond what is easy, not performing activities just to be compliant. Rather, we find the poorest, those who have been excluded from benefitting from mainstream programmes, and investing in enterprise development for the “have-nots”. For example, we run Enterprise Development in the informal trade markets.


Here’s what’s happening in the field of sustainable social development.

Transforming Lives through Socio-Economic Development 1

Transforming Lives through Socio-Economic Development: The Umsizi Approach 



Socio-economic development is a critical process that enhances the well-being and quality of life of individuals in disadvantaged communities.... read more
ICT Social and Labour Plan conference 4

ICT Social and Labour Plan (SLP) conference


Another year has passed for the ICT Social and Labour Plan (SLP) conference, and the question remains: Are these... read more
Understanding South Africa's Social and Labour Plan

Understanding South Africa’s Social and Labour Plan


From the dusty inception of the first mine in Springbok, South Africa in 1852, mining has held a pivotal role... read more

Green Economy for Sustainable Enterprise Development



At Umsizi Sustainable Solutions (Umsizi), we are dedicated to providing integrated solutions that enable our clients to achieve their Environmental,... read more

Umsizi’s Sustainable Relationship Building Programme


In a world grappling with multifaceted challenges, the quest for effective stakeholder engagement, community development, and transformation has never been... read more
CSR and ESG Offerings Food Security

Umsizi’s Visionary CSR and ESG Offerings for 2024


Johannesburg, March 8, 2024 —Umsizi Sustainable Social Solutions (Umsizi), a prominent advocate for Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), is excited to... read more


Our latest projects and success stories.

Let's Get Started on Your Sustainable Social Solution Today

Whether you need help with B-BBEE compliance, Local Economic Development Programmes, or Corporate Social Investment Initiatives, or for any other Socio-Economic Development considerations, we are ready to assist you with a tailor-made solution.