World Food Day 2017
One of the greatest challenges our impoverished communities face is a lack of food security. Umsizi is turning this tide. To celebrate World Food Day for 2017, Umsizi will be holding an event to promote sustainable food security in these communities. The event aims to aid social economic development in Lion Park, North of Johannesburg, and surrounding areas.
The event will provide invaluable training on organic food gardening for community members in an urban setting. The vision is to see community members use what is available to them to provide sustainable food solutions for their families. Umsizi has a proven track record in helping households to improve their food security and income generation through urban farming.
Umsizi sees that solutions based on organic food gardening are ideal for urban farmers. These solutions rule out man-made fertilisers, pesticides and additives. This makes the process accessible to community members. Once food security is established, a cycle of social economic development can come into play. The benefit can reach entire communities.
Corporate social investment is one of Umsizi’s specialities. Umsizi welcomes work with CSI’s. Partners in this event include Momentum, providing financial support and volunteers, and the community leaders of Lion Park, who are involved in assisting and coordinating efforts on the ground.
The event will take place on Friday the 10th of November.
Umsizi would like to thank Momentum for their partnership in this event. Through investing together in the training which will take place, Umsizi looks forward to celebrating the future benefit to these communities.
Companies looking to develop their own CSI’s and B-BBEE scorecard can contact Umsizi to get involved in proven social economic development programs that get results.