
UMSIZI set out to proactively pursue an improved BBBEE Score

In 2020, UMSIZI set out to proactively pursue an improved BBBEE Score

In order to improve our previous BBBEE score of Level 5, Umsizi implemented a strong transformation strategy to set us up for long term, ongoing BBBEE compliance.

Despite legislated requirements, we at Umsizi believe that transformation is an essential key to developing our country and the services we offer to communities and businesses attest to that. The very nature of the work that Umsizi does as a business demonstrates the high value we place on transformation and empowerment. It is not merely a matter of compliance for us, but in fact, fundamental to who we are and central to our organisational mission.

The aim of our transformation strategy is providing real opportunities for Historically Disadvantaged Persons to become financially independent and developed to meet their full potential.

We are against any form of fronting and therefore take the additional time and effort required to ensure real transformation activities that will yield sustainable and long-term results.

Umsizi put in place a BBBEE Improvement Plan with the goal of achieving a level 3 score by March 2021.

Some of the key measures to increase our score include:

  • Increasing our spend on Skills Development through the implementation of an Umsizi Learnership and an Internship Programme with Historically Disadvantaged Persons, especially black women and youth.
  • Empowering a 100% black owned emerging company to provide high quality socio-economic development services, based on a proven track record established with Umsizi in this field. This includes mentorship, economic participation and exposure of Ikamva by Umsizi in our Company’s mission in South Africa
  • Increasing our spend on Procurement from majority black owned suppliers.
  • Increasing our Enterprise and Supplier development spend on black owned enterprises, with a focus on women and youth.
  • Appointing a non-executive black female director to Umsizi’s board.

Umsizi is a proud level 2 BBBEE contributor

These measures are in addition to the welfare work that we do through our NPO Impophomo Rushing Waters, and our flagship Broad-Based Livelihoods programme.

We are delighted to report that after implementing the measures above, and in line with our philosophy of not merely complying, but actively seeking to make a tangible difference, we have exceeded our objective by achieving a BBBEE Level 2 score!

This triumphant result is a culmination of hard work, determination, belief in the power of transformation, and our commitment to our clients and the community. Our 16-year track record reflects that empowerment is the heart and soul of Umsizi, and this achievement was made possible because of the authentic emphasis we place on transformation.

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